Set 261 years before the events of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", The War of the Rohirrim tells the story of Helm Hammerhand, a legendary King of Rohan who must defend against an army of Dunlendings. He becomes the namesake for the stronghold of Helm's Deep.

CAST: Brian Cox, Miranda Otto, Gaia Wise, Luke Pasqualino, Laurence Ubong Williams, Shaun Dooley

DIRECTOR: Kenji Kamiyama

RUN TIME: 130 min

Showtimes for The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim

ThuDec 12
FriDec 13
SatDec 14
SunDec 15
MonDec 16
TueDec 17
WedDec 18
ThuDec 19
FriDec 20
SatDec 21
SunDec 22
MonDec 23
TueDec 24
WedDec 25
ThuDec 26